Engine Hoist Rental

Whether you are an avid car lover or a serious car owner looking to do some modifications and repairs to your vehicle engine, you should well be aware by now that an engine cannot be taken out without a proper engine hoist. Engine hoists make the job of pulling the entire engine out of your car much easier than it would be if you had used other tools. Thus, anyone looking to remove the engine from a car would surely agree that an engine hoist is the automatic choice.

Engine Hoist Cost

For mechanics and car workshops that frequently deal with engine swaps or rebuilding, purchasing their very own engine hoist is a no brainer. However, for those of us who need this tool on a far less regular basis, engine hoist rental is the way to go.

It is true that an engine hoist does not cost much. In fact, for simply $400 to $500, you will be able to get a top quality engine hoist. It will be able to handle engines up to 2000 pounds without problems. That said, owning an engine hoist you will seldom use isn't that smart of a decision either. Considering the size of the hoist, it will definitely take up unnecessary storage space in your home or backyard. An engine hoist rental solves this problem entirely and allows you to get a fully working hoist for a minimal fee, albeit for only a day.

For jobs which require much heavier lifting or towing, a simple swivel and jack engine hoist will not be sufficient anymore. In such situations, do take some time and perhaps give some thought to hydraulic engine hoists. Nonetheless, simple hoists do work for most of the common engine removal situations.

Considerations Prior To Renting a Hoist

Before you jump straight into engine hoist rental, do consider what you would require from this deal. Figuring out exactly what you need will ultimately determine the company from which you rent your engine hoist. First of all, how long do you need the hoist for? Some companies require you to rent the equipment for at least a week, so if you need it for only 2 days, try to scout around for a company that can match those requirements. Next, what type of engine hoist do you need? Depending on the make and model of your car, or the task at which you want to apply the equipment on, the type and size of the engine hoist you select can greatly vary. Finally, it is good practice to rent your engine hoist from a company located near you. This will bring down any transportation fees if there are any as well as make it easier to solve occurrences of breakdowns or faulty equipment.

Finding the right engine hoist rental company will be the least of your worries. Simply visiting your local car garage or flipping through the yellow pages for rental companies should net you a few numbers to dial. Talk to a few companies before you decide on which one best suits your needs.

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